
Friday, May 27, 2011

The GazettE, Vortex Album

Posted by sadmovement 9:05 PM, under ,,,,,, | No comments

The GazettE, Vortex Album
VORTEX brings us back to a more heavier, darker, and even experimental sounding GazettE with the title track a song blending rock and electro thus making the track stand out. Just what the GazettE needed, a headbanger tune. Heavy guitars, bass, and drums are in full force here but the inclusion of synths and disc-scratching give the song a more electro side to it.
Not that that’s a bad thing as the rock and electro compliment each other, both working to make this song as hard as it got. Ruki is back to playing around with many effects on his voice, such as auto-tune, vocoder, distortion, and filter. Download mp3 : --> Vortex <--

BREAK ME, seems to take a page from American rock circa late 70s-early 80s. Opening up with some clapping before before the rugged guitars kick in, BREAK ME has a sort of American heavy rock sound (Ruki’s probably singing in English throughout). The song can easily get anyone toe tapping and the guitar solo is the best out of the three songs in this single but everyone does a great here, giving the song plenty of attitude.
The GazettE, Vortex Album
UNCERTAIN SENSE continues the string of soft songs. The melodic tune of the single as well as the softest of the three songs. Ruki seems to be singing in English for the whole song and one can expect to here him using different voice effects (mostly filter and screamo). The melody doesn’t sound all that different from the era’s previous melodic tune.


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